Will someone please explain to me how a video game exploits children.
You could start with this People Make Games video from a couple of years ago. https://youtu.be/_gXlauRB1EQ
I said explain. It’s this old school thing we used to do where we JUST TELL A PERSON SOMETHING
Kids make maps. Stuff in the maps is sold for Roblox bucks. Roblox bucks cost money to buy. The kid who makes the map gets the Roblox bucks, and can sell them. The problem is you only get 30% back when you sell a Roblox buck.
So kids spend time making big maps and servers, buying ads, getting shoutouts on YouTube/whatever, and Roblox takes a 70% cut from all of it
Sounds like a normal business that gives kids a chance to make money.
Its exploiting child labor and the impulsive brain chemistry of adolescence.
Read the article and find out
Just give me the broad strokes