Remember kids,
It’s funny that rolling stone has the gall to publish this
In 2005 they published his article “deadly immunity” along with It was filled with factual errors but it helped popularize the anti vaccine movement.
Salon eventually listened to fact checkers who were vocal about the fact that the article was absolute nonsense and misinformation. They admitted fault and that they should have done more due diligence. Even that was a fucking joke - a year after the article they listed numerous corrections showing the article was horrendously researched by an absolute fool with no peer review whatsoever. And while salon did eventually retract the article and distance themselves from the article it took six fucking years for them to do so despite glaring errors
Rolling stone on the other hand left the article printed for a decade and a half, at least. While the article above suggests they both retracted it that was clearly not the case:
heres a snapshot from 2020, when it still existed on their site
Note the byline: they moved to preserve the article, it actually had been broken in a site facelift. They made effort to ensure the article was not retracted
Rolling stone is a key factor in the anti vaccination movement and why Kennedy has a platform
Rfk was one of a dozen people responsible for 65% of antivax content on instagram
Fuck rfk and fuck rolling stone. Have journalistic integrity and do the bare minimum of fact checking. Fuck this “we always have to present both sides to be fair” bullshit. You don’t have to do that when one is objectively wrong
We really shouldn’t be glorifying anyone’s family to the extent America did with the Kennedys. Many of them are and were worthless shitsacks. Of the dozen or so I have met only Teddy and Joe were impressive and Teddy’s dead.
I don’t know who the bigger clown is, but I think it’s Hannity. What a little groveling lying fuck he is.
RFK Jr. is grossly irresponsible.
If you guys make it out of this the other side, all these people need to be tried for treason. You cannot let them go unpunished. These lies are enabling the downfall of the US to happen peacefully and without resistance. So sad to see it happen.
…suggested that the best way to get lifetime immunity from the measles is to simply become infected with measles, and that the measles vaccine is dangerous to those who take it.
He’s so very close to understanding how vaccines work.
If you have the measles, and are not vaccinated, you cannot tale the vaccine to help the body. The only thing you can do then, that has been studied and proven to help, is taking vitamin A. Also, not being malnourished to begin with, goes a long way.
If you have the measles because you were not vaccinated. FTFY
That still doesn’t make RFK right about anything. The article is about encouraging people to be vaccinated.
Your comment is what the cool kids call sus