Traditionally, yes, but I do want to note that modern takes use it to also argue for cooperation, since working with with others is good for survival and passing on genes. They also are the first to tell people how bunk the alpha male crap is, and the fact a lone wolf is a dead wolf.
Evolutionary psychology. I think there’s real research in the field, but it’s drowned out by charlatans who invoke its name to lend credence to their made-up bullshit without the burden of scientific rigour.
Obligatory footnote: EvoPsych is mostly bunk, deeply intertwined with eugenics and riddled with homophobia, sexism and rape apologia.
Traditionally, yes, but I do want to note that modern takes use it to also argue for cooperation, since working with with others is good for survival and passing on genes. They also are the first to tell people how bunk the alpha male crap is, and the fact a lone wolf is a dead wolf.
Evolutionary psychology. I think there’s real research in the field, but it’s drowned out by charlatans who invoke its name to lend credence to their made-up bullshit without the burden of scientific rigour.