Today my wife and I made the switch from Microsoft Office 365 + Onedrive to the MyKsuite with Joplin as onenote alternative, Thunderbird for Outlook, and LibreOffice as desktop replacements. Feels great! It’ll take a while for the Microsoft email to become unused, but we’re getting there!
Ksuite is based in Switzerland and 1TB cloud storage plus their email and office apps costs €1.19 per month per user, an absolute steal compared to M365.
Next up: Linux as OS, probably a dual boot.
I am a bit surprised at how cheap that data is. How can they offer it at that price?
I self-host and I can’t get it that cheap 😅
FYI there is Betterbird, a soft-fork of Thunderbird where they apply various fixes and features that haven’t made it to Thunderbird yet.
Thanks for the tip! I’ll look into it.
About the data, it might be a case of offering it for cheap to get customers in. Infomaniak has other areas they’re active in, so maybe they’re trying to grow the ksuite.