for the filter: Elon
Has anyone here actually had a real IQ test? They’re administered by psychologists and it takes like 2-3 days of different tests. No one doing any online test is doing a real IQ test. Not that they’re the end all be all for intelligence anyways.
the only thing it measures is how good you are at taking an IQ test
The axis need to be swapped.
the punchline is that if you pay for the iq test you are instantly considered stupid and if you bribe the iq test you get a high score. everyone in between won’t pay for an iq test
The moment you pay for an IQ test - you failed it
I think the same thing applies to Mensa. If you’re paying to join the “smart people club”, how smart are you really?
My local Mensa hosts a lot of fun events, the cost is minimal, and it replaces a social vacuum left by religious activities for me. A wide variety of people, most very nice, almost all pretty interesting. Also a pretty insular group of folks that doesn’t really ruffle any feathers, so I’ve always been a little unsure why Mensa gets such hate online.
Because it gives off a bit of an elitist vibe to require an IQ test for entry.
He’s also “good at Diablo” or whatever it was. And “really smart about business.” And “really smart about rockets.” And blah blah blah. It’s all bullshit. Just listen to him. He can barely form coherent sentences.
I find it hard to believe someone can recognize patterns well enough to do well on an IQ test could also be so stupid as to not realize everyone hates him and just wants his money.
I mean for what its worth emotional intelligence (recognizing everyone hates you and just wants your money) is a whole different thing. That said, I’m pretty sure he’s just an idiot in general too. Maybe smarter than the average person, but certainly not three standard deviations smarter.
I took a IQ test online it said I Genius.