And all this time, I thought it was the cake that was a lie…
while sly PI stole my mind into infinite cries
of WHY CAN’T IT JUST BE 3.1415???!?!!
I’m American, but observe on July 22nd.
Jesse, we need to calculate.
For a few brief years, there’s was a men’s alternative to Valentines day. “Steak & Blowjobs day” was held exactly one month later, on March 14.
I have never seen such a surge in love for mathematics since then. Women around the world who barely know what Pi represents were suddenly very aware that March 14 was Pi day.
Women around the world probably remember that pi is nowhere near 14,3.
Pi day is a fake holiday created by people who don’t know how to format dates. Also, relevant xkcd.
TIL XKCD has a mobile site
YYYY.MM.DD (or similar) is the best (I just think dots look better and keeps the date together in many word processors, where hyphens do not)
DD/MM/YYYY is acceptable.
MM/DD/YYYY needs to be put out of its misery.
Interesting. I prefer hyphens to improve readability
Luckily for you that’s the iso standard haha
I wouldn’t mind if it could be kept on the same line, but I don’t believe there is a non-breaking hyphen in unicode.
You can insert non-breaking hyphens into MS Office programs like word though. Very useful if you’re an engineer and writing out tags in reports all the time (and dislike when they get broken across lines).
The actual print character is a normal hyphen, though.
Thanks for reading my pedantic preferences haha
If you want a computer to sort dates in a sane manner, year-month-day is the only option. Anything else is madness.
ISO format is the only correct way to format dates.
Biggest to smallest - makes it easy to sort by date for things like folders of photos. And other things, I’m sure.
Biggest to smallest fails though for years which are smaller than the months, and for months which are smaller than the days.
e.g. Dec 1st 2003, would be written 12/03/01 biggest to smallest
I don’t think you’ve thought this through, and frankly I question your mother’s sexual decency.
Four digit years are required, as are dashes. 2012-03-01
Do you even ISO, bro?
I mean biggest to smallest in units of time (year/month/day)
why you guys downvoting this?
this is so obviously satire
It’s harmless fun, come downvote with us!