Good on you for having principles. Unfortunately a lot of Tesla owners are limp dicked piss baby champagne socialists who’d rather just put a 5 dollar sticker on their bumper instead of selling it.
Not everyone is the position to sell their car, especially at huge finacial loss. So they buy the stupid sticker to make them selves feel a little better.
Many bought the thing 5+ years ago when Tesla was basically the only electric with a real charging network and in a time before Musk went from eccentric billionaire to an out-of-the-closet Nazi.
Now anyone buying one new today, that’s a different story (Which makes it harder to sell the damn thing).
Good on you for having principles. Unfortunately a lot of Tesla owners are limp dicked piss baby champagne socialists who’d rather just put a 5 dollar sticker on their bumper instead of selling it.
Not everyone is the position to sell their car, especially at huge finacial loss. So they buy the stupid sticker to make them selves feel a little better.
Many bought the thing 5+ years ago when Tesla was basically the only electric with a real charging network and in a time before Musk went from eccentric billionaire to an out-of-the-closet Nazi.
Now anyone buying one new today, that’s a different story (Which makes it harder to sell the damn thing).
Why the fuck are you defending this shit?
Also I am tired of hearing about how Musk only recently went insane, dude has been off the rails for as long as I can remember.
Eccentric billionaire? My ass dude, he was an asshole and insane always for anyone paying at least a little bit of attention.
It just finally caught up to him and now everyone wants to cry wolf that has been supporting him? Fuck off.