A survey of more than 2,000 smartphone users by second-hand smartphone marketplace SellCell found that 73% of iPhone users and a whopping 87% of Samsung Galaxy users felt that AI adds little to no value to their smartphone experience.
SellCell only surveyed users with an AI-enabled phone – thats an iPhone 15 Pro or newer or a Galaxy S22 or newer. The survey doesn’t give an exact sample size, but more than 1,000 iPhone users and more than 1,000 Galaxy users were involved.
Further findings show that most users of either platform would not pay for an AI subscription: 86.5% of iPhone users and 94.5% of Galaxy users would refuse to pay for continued access to AI features.
From the data listed so far, it seems that people just aren’t using AI. In the case of both iPhone and Galaxy users about two-fifths of those surveyed have tried AI features – 41.6% for iPhone and 46.9% for Galaxy.
So, that’s a majority of users not even bothering with AI in the first place and a general disinterest in AI features from the user base overall, despite both Apple and Samsung making such a big deal out of AI.
I hate that i can no longer trust what comes out of my phone camera to be an accurate representation of reality. I turn off all the AI enhancement stuff but who knows what kind of fuckery is baked into the firmware.
NO, i dont want fake AI depth of field. NO, i do not want fake AI “makeup” fixing my ugly face. NO, i do not want AI deleting tourists in the background of my picture of the eiffel tower.
NO, i do not want AI curating my memories and reality. Sure, my vacation photos have shitty lighting and bad composition. But they are MY photos and MY memories of something i experienced personally. AI should not be “fixing” that for me
A 100% accurate AI would be useful. A 99.999% accurate AI is in fact useless, because of the damage that one miss might do.
It’s like the French say: Add one drop of wine in a barrel of sewage and you get sewage. Add one drop of sewage in a barrel of wine and you get sewage.
My kids school just did a survey and part of it included questions about teaching technology with a big focus on the use of AI. My response was “No” full stop. They need to learn how to do traditional research first so that they can spot check the error ridden results generated by AI. Damn it school, get off the bandwagon.
And what exactly is the difference between researching shit sources on plain internet and getting the same shit via an AI, except manually it takes 6 hours and with AI it takes 2 minutes?
I think the fact someone would need to explain this to you makes it pointless to try and explain it to you. I can’t tell whether you’re honestly asking a question or just searching for a debate to attempt to justify your viewpoint.
You’re implicating, there are trusted sources, I am saying, there are no trusted sources whatsoever, and you should equally doubt any source. So, who’s the one not understanding some principle?
I do not need it, and I hate how it’s constantly forced upon me.
Current AI feels like the Metaverse. There’s no demand for it or need for it, yet they’re trying their damndest to shove it into anything and everything like it’s a new miracle answer to every problem that doesn’t exist yet.
And all I see it doing is making things worse. People use it to write essays in school; that just makes them dumber because they don’t have to show they understand the topic they’re writing. And considering AI doesn’t exactly have a flawless record when it comes to accuracy, relying on it for anything is just not a good idea currently.
If they write essays with it and the teacher is not checking their actual knowledge, the teacher is at fault, not the AI. AI is literally just a tool, like a pen or a ruler in school. Except much much bigger and much much more useful.
It is extremely important to teach children, how to handle AI properly and responsibly or else they will be fucked in the future.
I agree it is a tool, and they should be taught how to use it properly, but I disagree that is like a pen or a ruler. It’s more like a GPS or Roomba. Yes, they are tools that can make your life easier, but it’s better to learn how to read a map and operate a vacuum or a broom than to be taught to rely on the tool doing the hard work for you.
You are sincerely advocating for teaching how to read a physical map? When will you ever need that ever, without a Zombie apocalypse?
It might be good to teach them this skill additionally, for the sake of brain development. But we should stay in reality and not replace real tools with obsolete ones in education, because children should be prepared for the real world and not for some world, that does not exist (anymore).
Same reason, why I find it ridiculous, how much children are cushioned to the brim and are denied to see the real world for 17 years and ~355 days, in the USA system. As soon as they are 18, they start to see the real world and they are not at all prepared for this surprise.
You are sincerely advocating for teaching how to read a physical map? When will you ever need that ever, without a Zombie apocalypse?
I strongly advocate it, it’s a basic skill. Like simple math, reading and writing, being able to balance a budget, cooking, etc, being able to read a map is a necessary basic skill.
Maps aren’t obsolete. GPS literally works off of the existence maps. Trying to claim maps are obsolete is like saying that cooking food at home is obsolete because you can order delivery.