All the supermarkets seems to sell the same brands and I have no idea if any of them are mostly processed in Europe or elsewhere in the world.
Do you have recommendations? I like the ones with a fruity taste more.
This one is my current favorite:
Click to view
They claim on the package that they care about sustainability, better working conditions and social engagement.
Good quality loose-leaf tea comes mainly from China, Taiwan and Japan. Bulk tea, like what goes into teabags, comes from India, and some other countries. There is some tea production in Europe, but last time I heard, those leaves tend to be expensive and not as good as Asian leaves. Blending and scenting can of course be done in Europe, but the raw ingredient comes from somewhere else.
And, yes, something like tisane would be a better word for the non-tea teas.
Tea Adventure’s Online Tea Shops list is a good tool, if you want to find tea sellers. You can use the text box in the upper right corner of the list to filter the shops. For example, write “europe” in it, and you get only European tea shops.