Qualified expert with an M-16. Which also implies I’ve fired an M-60, but that’s not really relevant to the discussion.
25+ yr Java/JS dev
Linux novice - running Ubuntu (no windows/mac)
Qualified expert with an M-16. Which also implies I’ve fired an M-60, but that’s not really relevant to the discussion.
An assault rifle just tells everyone you can’t aim and are happy with indiscriminate targeting. They are fine when you are fighting 1000 of something, but there’s a reason the army sharpshooting badge doesn’t include burst fire (or didn’t thirty year’s ago, anyway).
I’d recommend just about anything else for self defense, actually.
I can’t because of some mental health concerns in my household (not the least of which, my own), but otherwise I’d have a revolver.
"First, they came for the pro-Palestinian activists, and my jimmies weren’t rustled.
“Then they came for the Peruvian newlyweds and my jimmies weren’t rustled.”
This is just the Hollywood modern reimagining of WW2 that no one wanted.
Or look at Al Franken who got pushed out over nothing. Your examples are cherry picked. Plus, wasn’t Cuomo forced out?
On the one hand, I support a politician who does the right things despite public opinion. Fuck approval ratings. On the other hand, how can a single person be wrong about fucking everything? Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
What else can be said? It’s going to get worse. Things have to get so much worse, until Trump fulfills his promise: “We’re gonna win so much you may even get tired of winning and you’ll say ‘Please, please. It’s too much winning. We can’t take it anymore. Mr. President, it’s too much.’”
This is what winning looks like to him.
I just saw on Linked In that in 12 months “quantum AI” is going to be where it’s at. Uh… really? Do I hear “crypto-quantum AI?”
AI. I didn’t say it would do a good job, lol. It’s a conspiracy theory. It doesn’t have to make sense, it just needs to be barely plausible.
Lemmy has just about enough content that I rarely run out of things to engage with. It’s not quite there yet, but it’s pretty close and probably I don’t need to spend any more time on social media than I already do.
Reddit is going to quickly be replaced by AI, leading to the question: what data will AI train on after that?
They might well already have Teslas. They are far more likely to drive them (I think) than the good old boys out in the country.
There are cameras inside the car, it self drives… imagine if it used AI to decide if the driver was Jewish. Or queer. Or just a particular individual who might be thrown out a window were they in Russia. And it steered itself into a wall and burst into flames, destroying any internal telemetry that might tell the story.
The technology is there. The regulatory agencies that might investigate are gutted. There is nothing but the integrity of a few programmers standing in the way. Programmers whose livelihoods and perhaps admission to the US are at stake.
That feels awfully thin.
There’s a fucking conspiracy theory for the nutters.
Isn’t that a state’s rights matter? A state should be able to name its own landmarks.
I checked. It seems ultimate authority rests with the US Board on Geographical Names, which is under the authority of the executive branch. He would be breaking lots of norms to just decree it so, but I think Trump has no fear is breaking norms.
I guess I’d rather he worry about stuff like this that could ultimately be corrected in the future with the stroke of the pen than the stuff he wants that will be genuinely ruinous.
If the difference between Amazon-sold product’s and third-party-sold products isn’t clear (and it isn’t) then Amazon should be held responsible. It’s like if those AT&T sales people at Costco sold you a phone that caught your face on fire, then Costco is reasonably responsible because they are lending their credibility to a negligent third party. Possible mitigated if they made a good faith effort to distance themselves from third party sellers.
So there is some nuance to it (IMO).