I guess this is why so many boeing airplanes have been falling out the sky nowadays. They forgot and accidentally based their aiplanes on land dwelling vetrebrates.
Mastodon: @toothbrush@possum.city
I guess this is why so many boeing airplanes have been falling out the sky nowadays. They forgot and accidentally based their aiplanes on land dwelling vetrebrates.
Well seems like i missed the most important place on my visit to iceland. I wanted to go back one day anyways but now i have a reason i can tell everyone.
Doesnt killing mosquitoes cause a bunch of environmental problems? Thats what everyone says when you talk about genociding them.
I swear the head was worth my soul
For fuckkkksss sake. Ill keep my garmin watch until it works but never buying another one. I was so happy to find a watch that had everything i needed. Actually huge shame…
More because i rewatched it several times to at least get a slight understanding of the complex situation that went down in the video.
Its especially bad one because most characters in mha are underage from my understanding.
You worded it very well. I also think that much more people have pedophilia than you would think at first. Thats one of the reasons why i think so many rich people take part in diddy and epstien parties. If you never got help, and have so much money that you feel untouchable, you will take advantage of people around you because there are no repercussions.
Good luck, i hope rhe greenlanders eat you alive
Oof thats rough bur happy you go over that!
I totally understand your point of view as well. You cannot expect someone to be rational when their kids or family is on the line. Its the same reason for why the victims family doesnt have a say in the sentencing of the offende.
Lol. But on a serious not i know people that got therapy for that and they are completely normal people. Everyone has quirks and pedophilia is also one of them but the problem is when it takes over your rational judgement and you do something you shouldnt. This is why hate the median portayal of pedophiles, while i agree that if you commit such an act that makes you a horrible person but most people with these desires do not commit acts. It should be viewed as any other medical condition, it can be treated. There are also other philias which are lets say less harmfull to other people but are self destructive and you can go to therapy for them as well. The hardest part is starting therapy and realizing youre not alone and you shouldnt be judged for something that is out of your control. This is why im saying people who do commit ARE and should be treated as criminals as they choose to comit the act even if they didnt chose the desire. Hope im not gonna get downvoted to fucking oblivion.
Yeah i see from the other comments as well. Now that you point it put its logical that humans would pick wolves/dogs, the only animals that could keep up.
You could also read it as xooxoodoodoo. You are welcome, im sure in ten years someones life will depend on this exact information.
As a vim user i would choose the space key and commit suicide with the stablizer under it…
Btw this would be physically impossible for it right? Even half marathons are something thay basically only a very few specific animals can do right?
They want a monopoly on surveillance lol
Austria boutta take part in the reverse holocaust after it caused the holocaust
Rules based order my ass
Wat? Why? Why fish bro.