Today’s game is Halo Infinite. I picked it up while it was on sale (along with gifting some copies of MCC to friends). I mostly got it for Campaign, but me and my friend also played some of the multiplayer too. It’s interesting. I can’t say i’m a fan of the battlepass or micro transaction system, but the gameplay is a bit fun. I think the older games are my favorites still because Infinite feels a bit too like all the other live service shooter with all the flashy stuff and high paced speed, but it’s still a lot of fun. The maps look cool and some of the new weapons are cool.

We played some of the campaign today too. It’s a bit like Far Cry. Honestly, if they were going to try to do something different, it’s not the worst thing to try. I found myself gravitating to the reliable battle rifle and AR combo though. Me and my friend went straight to legendary for the campaign, i think this might be the easiest we’ve done though (though we’ve been able too bring a tank with us everywhere so that might be what’s making it difficult).

The hardest things so far has been the boss fights, we fought this guy who turns invisible. We ended up using the shock crates to stun him and then sticking the fuck out of him. It worked really well and once we broke his shield we just ran at him and started punching him.

Overall, i’m really enjoying it though. I think i’ll stick to MCC for multiplayer for now but i might pop in for a few games of infinite every now and then