Oh my GOD, the dude on the far right looks like he had his face turned inside out and stuffed like a third grader’s first ever sewing project. Somebody at Build-A-Fash forgot to do QA.
I miss r/BeholdTheMasterRace
I had an idea for a community along the lines of /LeastSupremeWhites which was the same basic premise. Based on an old comment I saw a while ago, which was along the lines of “why are white supremacists always the least supreme whites?”
the investigation encompassed the department’s evidence room and the death of a Hanceville dispatcher, 49-year-old Christopher Michael Willingham, who was found dead from a toxic drug combination at work, officials said.
Crocker said that Willingham was given access, “like a lot of other people,” to the evidence room, including on his last day at work. The dispatcher died on Aug. 23, 2024, with the cause of death determined to be the “combined toxic effects of fentanyl, gabapentin, diazepam, amphetamine, carisoprodol and methocarbamol,” and the manner of death an accident, according to the state medical examiner’s autopsy report.
Eric Michael Kelso, who was a reserve officer, and his wife, Donna Reid Kelso, were charged with unlawful distribution of a controlled substance and conspiracy to unlawfully distribute a controlled substance, Crocker said. The distribution charges are not based on the distribution of anything within the evidence room, and they are “accused of distributing certain drugs to other individuals, including some of these other defendants,” he said.
Cops stealing drugs until one OD’d on the job while other officers were selling drugs to each other. It’s not the most comprehensive reason to abolish the department, we all know there is systemic problems with the entire institution. But if a pig self harm is what gets the job done, I’ll take it.
Eric Michael Kelso
His parents really named him after That 70s Show?
Donna Reid Kelso
And then he went out of his way to find a girl named Donna to fulfill his nominative determinism‽
Edit: The man is 44! Unless there was a legal name change at some point, his name predates the show. Wild.
Honestly, my initial guess was that the department used a fake name to refer to the officer. Because it’s giving big “the hardest part of making a new character is thinking of a name” vibes.